a better point of view

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Eye catching, mechanically accurate 3D animations visualising engineering activities in client friendly ways

Clear, concise and visually engaging presentations are key when communicating processes, systems and deployment operations. By utilising 3D modelling and technical animation, we can deliver accurate, client-friendly representations of both surface and subsea activities that demonstrate proposed works in progressive and engaging ways. Our work is accurate, reliable and representative. Through this we can offer engineers and clients assistance on their projects by working within a fully visualised 3D space enhanced with motion and innovative problem solving.

Ithaca Captain BLP Platform North Sea
North Sea platforms 3D model

Technically minded creativity

The various deliverables showcased across this website provide project validation and risk reduction as well as enhancing communication, helping your team and client understand your procedures.

Duel crane lift offshore

All 3D animations are generated to match the immediate needs of the project, and not all scenarios require full rendering with advanced lighting and materials, but instead the models can be utilised as simple, representative assets such that technical details and dimensions can be derived without unnecessary additions.
This straight-forward approach is highly effective as it means information and therefore value is delivered earlier in the design process. An example of this method is shown on the left where a complicated dual crane lift for a flexible product is established in three dimensions efficiently, with details regarding winch connections and rigging lengths made available to the client while the animated methodology is developed and visualised.

General flow of our projects

As the project progresses, the base scene can also progress and grow with models and assets upgraded and presented in higher quality when required.
Our 3D models and scenes are built at 1:1 scale across all projects meaning that vessel positions and proximities, sea depths, asset sizes and layouts are all compatible with your reference CAD drawings, survey data and analysis storyboards when combined in Autodesk 3ds Max.

Case studies and blog posts

Project support as a key deliverable

3D modelling and technical animation supports your project from early-stage concept and design planning through to developing assembly procedures and deployment sequences. Optimising your projects from their outset through to their installation with effective visuals is the best way to describe and validate complicated and challenging engineering activities. Design and fabrication At the project outset…

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3D modelling a vessel

Often the most effective way to demonstrate an offshore or subsea project is to feature the actual vessel performing the deployment or crane operations in three dimensions. With a fully modelled vessel all aspects of the project can be illustrated and clash checks performed both for proximity with floating or fixed assets as well as…

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